Saturday, August 27, 2011

i keep trying to decide what i wanna do with this blog.
like, do i just wanna vent on here like a diary, or try and be serious, or try to be cool...

so, i think for now i'll just use it for things that i can't really talk about on twitter. things that would be too embarrassing or inappropriate or long or angsty to be tweeted.

  • blue balls
  • the Kardashians
  • hot dads (no relation)
  • that one time i accidentally checked out a bum
  • and, the time it accidentally happened again
  • binge eating
  • poop jokes
  • porno

i mean, is that what blogs are for ??

Thursday, August 25, 2011

i just watched over 4 hours of the Kardashian show...
THATS where i'm at today.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Today I started reading "The Fuck-Up" and I'm already in love.
What can I say, I love angsty slackers.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

this song runs all over my body 
i was driving home from work today and i just thought:

wow. this is the happiest i've ever fucking been.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

my morning jacket

one of my favorite bands, of all time
(if we are friends in real-life, you probably already know this)

"of all time"
i mean, i'm a taurus so i fall in love with things and people real fast and easily.. but its different with these guys. their songs give me chill bumps and warm happy fuzzy feelings and SH*T i sound like a frigging hippie.
i'll probably post a lot of links to my favorite songs OF ALL TIME. just bear with me i guess.

click: favorite song, "of all time"
I decided I should start a blogspot.
Tumblr was gettin' too hip for me, y'know?
So, yeah.
Let's see how this goes....