Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm 25 now

Here's a shit ton of pix to prove it


paparazzi shot
regular shot
sup, guys
sup, guy

pms blues

_Tell me everything is ok.
_Bring me kit kats.
_Tell me I look beautiful.
_Hug me all/most of the day.

I'm needy today. Sue me! I mean hug me :(

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My house

Long Beach

I went to Long Beach with boyfriend and got sloppy.
"My name's Samantha and i have sex with everybodyyyyy.... named Skot!"
"its just a tropical hawaiian thing!"
this thrift store had so many of my favorite thing: OWLS!
after much deliberation, i decided on this guy


me, recently
i get thirsty a lot
Best Coast feelings!!
me and Choochie are in L word
sunburning on my lunch break
bloody mary breakfast!

thats all.