Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

"Maybe you're just a hybrid of crazy Carrie and romantic Char..?"
-Blas, on my new Sex & the City persona

Monday, October 31, 2011

If you know my in real life, you know I don't ever really date or have ever really dated.
If you dont know me in real life, I'll tell you that I don't ever really date or have ever really dated.

I did once and for too long and it was just the worst.
I mean, he was.
****a dickhole.

but anyways, I've decided that I'll know it's love next time when someone karaoke's my song to me. Barry. Manilow.
THAT'S the moment, guys.
Right there.

-cheeeseball muthr fkr.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

spent the entire day sprucing up my apartment and cleaning like a crazy person. I feel so much better now!
this song has been stuck in my head for forevs. guess its kind of appropriate.. ;)

Friday, September 16, 2011

so. i'm not usually into brands. well thats a lie. but i mean like BRANDS brands. like, classy shit.
but today, i tried on this Marc Jacobs jacket and fell IN LOVE.
i was this close to opening a Macy's account just to charge this beaut'.
but, i didnt.
i just obsessed about it for the rest of the evening.
TRUST and BELIEVE i will be online-stalking the shit outta this shit until it goes on clearance!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

you know when your leg hairs are so long that they stick out through your tights ...??

*alsoknownas Tuesday

Saturday, August 27, 2011

i keep trying to decide what i wanna do with this blog.
like, do i just wanna vent on here like a diary, or try and be serious, or try to be cool...

so, i think for now i'll just use it for things that i can't really talk about on twitter. things that would be too embarrassing or inappropriate or long or angsty to be tweeted.

  • blue balls
  • the Kardashians
  • hot dads (no relation)
  • that one time i accidentally checked out a bum
  • and, the time it accidentally happened again
  • binge eating
  • poop jokes
  • porno

i mean, is that what blogs are for ??

Thursday, August 25, 2011

i just watched over 4 hours of the Kardashian show...
THATS where i'm at today.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Today I started reading "The Fuck-Up" and I'm already in love.
What can I say, I love angsty slackers.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

this song runs all over my body 
i was driving home from work today and i just thought:

wow. this is the happiest i've ever fucking been.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

my morning jacket

one of my favorite bands, of all time
(if we are friends in real-life, you probably already know this)

"of all time"
i mean, i'm a taurus so i fall in love with things and people real fast and easily.. but its different with these guys. their songs give me chill bumps and warm happy fuzzy feelings and SH*T i sound like a frigging hippie.
i'll probably post a lot of links to my favorite songs OF ALL TIME. just bear with me i guess.

click: favorite song, "of all time"
I decided I should start a blogspot.
Tumblr was gettin' too hip for me, y'know?
So, yeah.
Let's see how this goes....